Autor: admin

Notatnik programisty zawsze pod ręką!

Instalacja Jiry na serwerze hostingowym

Zaczyna od dodania domeny/subdomeny, następnie przechodzimy do jej katalogu: pobieramy wybraną wersję oprogramowania: następnie dodajemy uprawnienia do uruchomienia skryptu instalacyjnego: instalujemy oprogramowanie jira: przechodzimy przez instalator i na końcu uruchamiamy jire. W katalogu pod którym ma być dostępna jira dodajemy htaccess z dostępem:

zamontowanie partycji używanej pod Windows na systemie Linux

So at the terminal I typed sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda9 and saw the following: Mounting volume… The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).Metadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount. FAILEDAttempting to correct errors… Processing $MFT and $MFTMirr…Reading $MFT… OKReading $MFTMirr… OKComparing $MFTMirr to $MFT… OKProcessing of $MFT and $MFTMirr completed successfully.Setting required flags on partition… OKGoing to empty the journal…
Czytaj dalej

aktualizacja symfony 1.4 do PHP 7.3

In %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/symfony/lib/plugins/sfDoctrinePlugin/lib/vendor/doctrine/Doctrine/Collection.php line 463 you will find: $record->$relation[’alias’] = $this->reference; In PHP 5 this was interpreted as $record->${relation[’alias’]} = $this->reference; what the author intended. In PHP7 it will be interpreted as ${record->$relation}[’alias’] = $this->reference; what leads to the error regarding relations. To remedy this problem, just make the implicit explicit: $record->{$relation[’alias’]} = $this->reference; and this…
Czytaj dalej

Postfix Flush the Mail Queue

Traditionally you use the “sendmail -q” command to flush mail queue under Sendmail MTA. Under Postfix MTA, just enter the following command to flush the mail queue: # postfix flush OR # postfix -f To see mail queue, enter: # mailq To remove all mail from the queue, enter: # postsuper -d ALL To remove…
Czytaj dalej

Aktualizacja serwera teamspeak

Here is an step by step „How to upgrade” 1. Stop your old server instance (Do not kill it! Or else you will not be able to start your new server for the next 2-3 hours!) Code: These are official supported ways. to shutdown the whole server. All ways will shutdown the whole instance and will…
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Instalacja ARK Survival Evolved CentOS

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to setup an ARK Survival server on CentOS 7. Prerequisites ARK requires a large amount of memory. I recommend using a VM with at least 8GB of RAM. Make sure the system is fully updated. yum update -y Create a new user for the server. Make sure to use…
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Instalacja SOAP dla PHP 5.6 UBUNTU Linux

sudo apt-get install php5.6–soap sudo service apache2 restart gotowe!

Usuwanie plików .svn z katalogu projektu

Version control systems are hugely important when it comes to development of all kinds.  I’m a huge fan of git but sometimes I’m required to use SVN.  Unfortunately I tend to forget to remove .svn folders when I copy and paste from a directory structure template.  This, of course, leads to me overwriting files and…
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Aktualizacja node do najnowszej dostępnej wersji

If nvm isn’t for you, a package manager is your next best bet. Node package manager, or npm, helps you discover, share, and use code, along with managing dependencies. Node comes with npm pre-installed, but the manager is updated more frequently than Node. Run npm –v to see which version you have, then npm install npm@latest –g to install the newest npm update. Run npm –v again…
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